Recording Measurements for Earth Levelling Work

Level Books: In case of levelling operations and earthwork, measurements are required to be recorded in level books in addition to Measurement Books. The Level Books should be numbered,accounted for and handled like Measurement Books.Preparatory Works: Before starting the earth work, following steps should be taken :
(1) Original ground levels should be recorded in the Level Book in the presence of the contractor or his authorized representative, and should be signed by him and the Department Officer who records the levels. All the local mounds and depressions should be indicated clearly in the drawing and the field Level Book and should be checked by the Assistant Engineer/Executive Engineer before the levelling work is started.
(2) A suitable baseline should be fixed with permanent masonry pillars at distances not exceeding 150 meters to provide a permanent reference line for facilitating check work. The base line (s) should be entered in the Level Book with co-ordinates. These baselines should be maintained till the final payment for the work has been made.
(3) While recording the levels, it should be ensured that the circuit is closed by taking final levels of the starting point or any other point, the R.L. of which was previously determined.
(4) Plans showing initial levels, location of bench marks and reduced levels, should be prepared and signed by both the parties and attached to the agreement before commencement of the work.
Test Check of the Levels(1) The Assistant Engineer should exercise test check at least to the extent of 50%, and the
Executive Engineer at least to the extent of 10% where the value of this item of work exceeds 10% of the tender acceptance power of the Assistant Engineer.
(2) The test check of the levels should be carried out independently by each officer, and the
readings should be recorded in the prescribed Level Book in red ink against the old levels which should be neatly scored out wherever necessary. If the test check carried out reveals serious mistakes in the original levels, these should be taken or re-taken and re-checked.
(3) The test check carried out by an officer should be as representative as possible for the entire work done.
(4) On completion of work, the levels should again be recorded in the Level Book and the
contractor’s signatures obtained. These levels should also be test checked by the Assistant
Engineer/Executive Engineer to the same extent as indicated in (1) within one month of the date of completion of the earth work, and according to the procedure as laid down in the case of initial levels as indicated above.
(5) The formation levels as per final execution of the work should be compared with the proposed formation levels and the work got rectified within permissible tolerance.

Payment of Leveling Work(1) Every fourth running bill and the final bill should be paid on the basis of levels.
(2) Intermediate payments can, however, be made on the basis of borrow pit measurements. The Executive Engineer should take care that the quantities thus assessed are not in any case more than the actual work done.
Large Scale Leveling Work(1) In case of large scale levelling work involving both cutting and filling, an accurate site plan should be prepared before the work is commenced. The portions requiring cutting and filling shall then be divided into squares and corresponding squares into filling, which are complementary to the squares in cutting given the same number.
(2) A table may be written upon the plan showing leads involved between the various
complementary squares. This would form a lead chart for the work to be done.
(3) Before the work of levelling is commenced, the lead chart shall be checked by the Assistant Engineer in the presence of the contractor or his authorized representative, and his signatures shall be obtained on the same. This should form an integral part of the contract and should be duly signed by both the integral parties before commencement of the work.
(4) The quantity payable for earthwork shall be lower of the quantity derived from cutting or filling. The payment for lead shall be based on lead chart prepared in the aforesaid manner.
Import of Earth: In case of earth to be imported, the area from where the earth is to be
imported, should be pre-determined wherever possible before the start of the work, and wherever feasible, the average lead should be worked out and stipulated in the tender. After this is determined,initial levels of the area to be filled should be recorded. The levels should be properly checked during the progress of work and on completion.


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