Stacking and Storage of Cement

  • Cement should be stored in a building or a shed which is dry, leakproof and as moisture proof as possible. The building or shed for storage should have minimum number of windows and close fitting doors and these should be kept closed as far as possible. 
  • Cement should be stored and stacked in bags and should be kept free from the possibility of any dampness or moisture coming in contact with them. Cement bags should be stacked off the floor on wooden planks in such a way as to keep about 150 mm to 200 mm clear above the floor. The floor may comprise of lean cement concrete or two layers of dry bricks laid on well consolidated earth. A space of 600 mm minimum should be left around between the exterior walls and the stacks.
  • The height of stack should not be more than 10 bags. he width of the stack shall be not more than four bags length or 3 metres. In stacks more than 8 bags high, the cement bags shall be arranged alternately length-wise and cross-wise so as to tie the stacks together and minimize the danger of topping over. 
  • Cement bags shall be stacked in a manner to facilitate their removal and use in the order in which they are received. 
  • For extra safety during the monsoon, or when it is expected to store for an unusually long period,the stack shall be completely enclosed by a water proofing membrane such as polyethylene, which shall close on the top of the stack. Care shall be taken to see that the waterproofing membrane is not damaged any time during use.


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