
Showing posts from August, 2018

A Handbook on Civil Engineering - Illustrated Formulae & Key Theory Concepts

Objective Type and Conventional Questions and Answers On Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering: Conventional and Objective Type (2018-19 Session)

A Hundred Little Flames


ANTI-TERMITE TREATMENT Sub-terranean termites are responsible for most of the termite damage in buildings. Typically,they form nests or colonies underground. In the soil near ground level in a stump or other suitable piece of timber in a conical or dome shaped mound. The termites find access to the super-structure of the building either through the timber buried in the ground or by means of mud shelter tubes constructed over unprotected foundations. Termite control in existing as well as new building structures is very important as the damage likely to be caused by the termites to wooden members of building and other household article like furniture,clothing, stationery etc. is considerable. Anti-termite treatment can be either during the time of construction i.e. pre-constructional chemical treatment or after the building has been constructed i.e.treatment for existing building. Prevention of the termite from reaching the super-structure of the building and its contents can be achie...

Recording Measurements for Earth Levelling Work

Level Books: In case of levelling operations and earthwork, measurements are required to be recorded in level books in addition to Measurement Books. The Level Books should be numbered,accounted for and handled like Measurement Books. Preparatory Works: Before starting the earth work, following steps should be taken : (1) Original ground levels should be recorded in the Level Book in the presence of the contractor or his authorized representative, and should be signed by him and the Department Officer who records the levels. All the local mounds and depressions should be indicated clearly in the drawing and the field Level Book and should be checked by the Assistant Engineer/Executive Engineer before the levelling work is started. (2) A suitable baseline should be fixed with permanent masonry pillars at distances not exceeding 150 meters to provide a permanent reference line for facilitating check work. The base line (s) should be entered in the Level Book with co-ordinates. These bas...

What does a civil engineer do exactly?

Civil engineers create, improve and protect the environment in which we live. They plan, design and oversee construction and maintenance of building structures and infrastructure, such as roads, railways, airports, bridges, harbors, dams, irrigation projects, power plants, and water and sewerage systems.